Thursday, 22 March 2007

Picture Retrieval Systems: A Unified Perspective and Research Issues

Bibliographic description
Venkat N. Gudivada, Vijay V. Raghavan. Picture Retrieval Systems: A Unified Perspective and Research Issues [on line]. Ohio University: Department of Computer Science, The Center for Advanced Computer Studies, 1995. Available on:

Dublin Core

Title : Picture Retrieval Systems: A Unified Perspective and Research Issues
Creator : Venkat N. Gudivada, Vijay V. Raghavan
Subject : picture retrieval / image database / Picture Retrieval System
Description :
Publisher : Department of Computer Science, The Center for Advanced Computer Studies, Ohio University
Date : 1995
Type : article
Format : PDF
Identifier :
Source :
Language : En
Relation : -
Coverage : USA
Rights : Copyright Penn State and NEC

Picture Retrieval (PR) problem is concerned with retrieving pictures
that are relevant to users' requests from a large collection of
pictures, referred to as the picture database. We use the term
picture in a very general context to refer to different types of
images originating in disparate application areas. The sources for
these images range from satellites, diagnostic medical imaging,
architectural and engineering drawings, geographic maps, mug-shot
images of criminals, to family photographs and portraits. A computer
system that facilitates picture retrieval is referred to as the
Picture Retrieval System (PRS). The application areas that consider
picture retrieval as a principal activity are both numerous and
disparate. As diverse as the application areas are, there seems to be
no consensus as to what a picture retrieval system really is.
Consequently, the features of the existing picture retrieval systems
have essentially evolved from domain specific considerations.

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